
Bistra Ardealului River

Bega Poieni Fishing Association
Daily fishing permit for non-members 50 RON
Banca Transilvania IBAN RON: RO70BTRLRONCRT0435463601
Confirmation of payment at

Fishing Regulations

The Bistra River (middle section - 40km) between the Bucova forestry unit and Voislova bridge (near the confluence with Rusca River) is a mountain river.
Here the following rules are to be obeyed:
- fishing is allowed only in the season (1st of May - 31st of December)
- Only 3 weekly fishing days are allowed
- fishing is allowed only during the day (from the first hour, at sunrise, until sunset)
- fishing is permitted only with artificial lures (spinning with artificial lures or fly fishing)
- fly fishing is allowed with maximum 2 artificial flies, barbless hooks
- spinning is allowed with only one lure, maximum one anchor or 2 hooks, barbless
- natural bait is strictly forbidden!
- Catch & Release system mandatory
- The usage of a fish landing net is mandatory
- Fish should only be handled with wet hands, minimizing the time they were removed from the water
- all controlled persons are required to allow luggage check by control authorities.
- any member of Bega Poieni Fishing Association has the right to check any other person met on the river
- Keeping a clean environment is compulsory
- Failure to comply with the rules leads to fine and exclusion.
- All fishermen will receive an individual catch sheet together with the issued fishing permit / daily fishing authorization. This individual catch sheet is mandatory for each fisherman, who should mention all the required information (location / sector, date, species, length, etc.) The individual catch list will be returned by each fisherman within 30 days to Bega Poieni Fishing Association by email
- for fishing on the Bistra Ardealului River, middle section (Voislova bridge - Bucova forest unit) fishing licenses issued by Bega Poieni Fishing Association are required
The persons entitled to fish on the above mentioned river stretch are those persons who are members of the Bega Poieni Fishing Association and pay an annual fee or have a daily fishing authorization.
Fees: 500 RON / year or 50 RON / day (for 3 consecutive days 130 RON) Persons from other associations are allowed to fish (in strict compliance with this regulation) if there are signed reciprocal contracts with Bega Poieni Fishing Association Persons outside of Romania are allowed to fish (subject to strict regulations) after paying the daily authorization: 50 RON / day Fishing licenses and daily fishing permits are issued online at

All you need to know about

Bistra Ardealului River


As of the 11th of April 2019, Bistra Ardealului River (middle section, between Bucova and Voislova, in the Caras Severin County, Romania) is under the administration of Bega Poieni Fishing Association, according to the contract no. 80/11.04.2019, between Bega Poieni Fishing Association and Romanian National Agency of Fishing and Aquaculture (ANPA)
Bega Poieni Fishing Association is registered in the Foundations' and Associations' Registry held by the Timis Court of Justice under no. 30/13.03.2018
It is registered at the Romanian Environment Ministry under no.4/2018
It is registered at the National Agency of Fishing and Aquaculture (ANPA) under no.133 in the Unique Registry of Fishing Associations.

The Contract no. 80/11.04.2019

Natural Habitat

The Bistra River springs from Bistra Iezer at about 2000 m altitude, below the Bistra Peak in the Ţarcu Mountains. The water is fast and, due to its high level of difference, has a lot of waterfalls and jumps.
Bistra is a very clean river with hydrogen peroxide and rocky bed and the water temperature rarely exceeds 15 degrees. These conditions are excellent for the indigenous trout, fountain and the rainbow trout as well as for the grayling, all of these Salmonidae being fished in the Bistra Valley.


The limits of the fishing zone are between the bridge in Voislova (near the confluence with Rusca River) and the Forestry Unit in Bucova.

The Map of Bistra Ardealului

Hydrographic network

The river flows from the south to the north, through a tectonic corridor, along the border between Caraş-Severin County and Hunedoara County, called the Bistra Valley, defining the Ţarcu Mountains by Poiana Ruscă Mountains. At the commune of Bucova, the river is changing its course westwards, flowing into the river Timiş downstream from Caransebes. The tributaries are short streams of little importance.
Left tributaries: Valea Lupului, Bucovita, Băuţar, Marga.
Right tributaries: Remetea, Micota, Rusca.

About Us

Bega Poieni Fishing Association is a start-up fishing association, born in 2018 from the ambition of two passionate fishermen: Radu Calomfirescu and Mihnea Popescu. We believe that immediate, hands-on action can begin to address multiple threats facing our fish and their habitat. Educating the public about these efforts and raising money to support the vitally important activities, is our goal. We work to restore and protect wild, self-sustainable trout and grayling within their native range. We believe that the best way to accomplish this over the long term is by ensuring that populations have high-quality habitat and adequate stream flows, can migrate between habitats without human intervention, have protection from harmful non-native species and disease, and are not over-harvested.

Becoming a member of Bega Poieni Fishing Association

Any person willing to become a member of Bega Poieni Fishing Association is allowed to apply online at They will receive a form to be filled in and will be required to submit a few personal data. The membership request will be analyzed by the board members, and if accepted, the person will have to pay the usual membership fee of 500 RON / year

Mid term priority list for Bega Poieni Fishing Association

- establishing a partnership with the local authorities (town halls, county police, environmental guard)
- marking the fishing area with information boards
- cleaning the natural habitat
- education of the local population in regards to the importance of a clean environment and a clean river
- stocking fish

List of Members

PRESIDENT: Mr. Radu Calomfirescu
VICEPRESIDENT: Mr. Alexandru Jivan
SECRETARY: Mr. Liviu Hoancă
Member: Mr. Ștefan Popa
Member: Mr. Andrei Savu
Member: Mr. Dănuț Petrovan
Member: Mr. Călin Copolovici
Member: Mr. Narcis Lanciu
Member: Mr. Ethan Bennett
Member: Mr. Mircea Botoca
Member: Mr. Adrian Dușan
Member: Mr. Viorel Șandor
Member: Mr. Adrian Curelar
Member: Mr. Titus Pîrvu
Member: Ms. Monica Pîrvu
Honorary Founding Member: Mr. Viorel Săltan

All you need to know about

Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge

Located in the heart of the Poiana Rusca Mountains, Poieni village is the perfect place for hiking and fishing, taking a refuge from the city fuss. Here you can forget about the telephone signal, this area being sorounded by a profound feeling of nostalgia, the 500 year old history of the village being kept alive today through stories and tales. More information about Poieni village you can find here
The Bega Poieni or Bega Mica is the right headwater of the river Bega in Romania. At its confluence with the Bega Luncanilor in Curtea, the river Bega is formed. The Bega Poieni river springs from the Poiana Rusca Mountains. Right Tributaries: Sasa, Izvorasu, Valea Mare.
Left Tributaries:Pustiu
The Bega Poieni River is under the administration of the Romanian National Forrest Agency (RNP Romsilva), County Forrest Unit (Directia Silvica Timis - Ocolul Silvic Cosava).
In this beautiful and wild area, we offer you fishing guidance and accomodation in the Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge.
We will take care of everything you need to spend an unforgetable time in this unique place.

By plane - Transfer by car or Rent a Car - Traian Vuia Intl Airport - Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge - aprox. 109km (1h22min)
By car - via Highway A1 - connected to M43 (Hungary) and further to whole Europe - to E673 up to Cosava and further to DJ684B until you reach the Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge in the Poieni village.
Address: Poieni nr.39, sat Poieni, comuna Pietroasa, jud.Timis, Romania
Accomodation: 50 eur / night / person
90 eur / 2 nights / person

Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge

The Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge is a place for the soul. It was originally built in 1996 and it was renovated in 2018 in order to keep the look and feel of an original Poieni wooden house. It is a cosy place to return tired after a wonderful fishing day.

The bedroom of Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge

The nights in Poieni can be cold but you will find a warm atmosphere in the bedroom of the Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge

Dining room in Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge

Whether you come alone or accompanied with friends, you will always find a peaceful and relaxing place to serve lunch or dinner

The Bathroom of Bega Poieni Fishing Lodge

Small but nice, it offers all the comfort you need to feel just right in this place

Bega Poieni River

The mountains and the river are an amazing place to disconnect from the modern world and to find yourself by reconnecting to the true spirit of the nature

Brown Trout from Bega Poieni River

The one who has not caught a trout has lost one of simple yet most meaningful emotions in life.

What They Say About Fishing.

  • If you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn.

    Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie's (1837–1919) The Novel Mrs. Dymond (1885)
  • Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

    Henry David Thoreau Essayist


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